How to Insert Hyperlink into a Jpeg on Mac David, July 17, 2024July 17, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest In this article, we’ll discuss How to Insert a Hyperlink into a Jpeg on a Mac. When sending emails, or sharing images among other sharing options on your Mac, you might often want to lead people to your site or other sites. You might have created text hyperlinks several times, and a similar procedure goes for creating hyperlinks with images or making your jpeg image a hyperlink on your Mac. Here are the steps: How to Insert Hyperlink into a Jpeg on Mac The first requisite would be to have a website URL to redirect to, from the image hyperlink that you create. You can either type the URL in manually at a later stage or first type/visit it in the Safari browser. To copy and paste for later, just use the Command-C button for now after selecting the entire URL text. Go to the sharing option such as Mail, or anywhere except iMessage where you want to share the image hyperlink. Find the JPEG image that you want to use as a hyperlink, and proceed to attach the image to the Mail or other sharing apps. You can find the images using the “Add Photo or Video” option or use the Finder app to locate them. Drag or open the image as per the previous step and once it is placed into where you want to send it from, highlight the image by dragging the cursor over it. You can also use the keyboard shortcut for selection. Now, select the “Add Link” in the menu bar of your Mail app. It will prompt a text box in which you have to enter the URL from before. You can either copy and paste it into this text box or type it in. When done, press enter or “Go”, and you have successfully created an image hyperlink out of your JPEG file on your Mac. Conclusion Creating hyperlinks is easy and more or less requires the same method. But due to application support and other restrictions in third-party apps, or apps not supporting Hyperlinks, it cannot be done. This method may only work if you create a hyperlinked image in Mail, and depend on other native programs and third-party apps to support an Image hyperlink. Apps such as iMessage, Facebook, and other social media apps may not allow you to create hyperlink images because of server and app restrictions as well. ShareTweetPin11 Shares How To
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