How to Stop Discord from Opening on Startup David, July 15, 2024July 15, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest We’ll give you tips on How to Stop Discord from Opening on Startup. You can try the methods below to fix this error. As a big-time gamer, you need a platform that allows for easy communication between you and your co-gamers or competitors and Discord efficiently offers that to its users with its voice chat and text message feature that creates a more exciting gaming experience for its users for free. However, this app (web or dedicated, based on which you use) sometimes goes overboard and opens each time you start your computer which is probably disturbing or inconvenient for you because you do not need its services at that time or you do not want several apps loading automatically on your Windows PC background. Page Contents1 How to Stop Discord from Opening on Startup1.1 Method 1: Disable Discord Auto Start Option1.2 Method 2: Disable Discord Auto Start from Task Manager1.3 Conclusion How to Stop Discord from Opening on Startup The automatic startup of various apps can also slow your computer’s performance down and in a nutshell use up valuable time from what you have to work with. To manage this issue and still have Discord working perfectly in your gaming community, you can try the following quick and easy troubleshooting options: Method 1: Disable Discord Auto Start Option Open the Discord app on your system. On the right side of your screen, click on the option “Users settings”. Click on “Windows settings” from the drop-down menu. From the section that reads “System Startup Behaviour”, untick/unmark the option “Open Discord”. For more efficient execution of disabling Discord on startup, you should also try a second option/method after the first. Method 2: Disable Discord Auto Start from Task Manager On your Windows PC, click on Ctrl, Alt, and Del simultaneously to access the option to open Task Manager, or click on Ctrl, Alt, and Esc to open Task Manager directly. Select “More details” once Task Manager is opened. Click on the bar that reads “Startup”. Search for Discord, it will appear on the “Status bar” and it will be “Enabled”. Select Discord and select the Disable button, located at the bottom right corner of the Task Manager page. After this action, Discord auto startup will be successfully disabled on your Windows PC. You can also try the third method through the step below: On your Windows home screen, left-click the upward arrow icon in your Taskbar. From the pop-up on the screen, right-click the Discord icon. The option, “Run Discord when my computer starts” should be ticked/marked, to disable, unmark this option by left-clicking on it. This procedure is effective for the Discord app that is not up to date. The prior procedures should work effectively in disabling Discord from opening automatically on startup on updated Discord apps. Conclusion To use the Discord app conveniently/effectively on your Windows PC, you have to get rid of the bugs and hitches that may affect your system’s performance and efficiency and since the Discord automatic opening on Startup is one of the most frequent issues that may arise with its use on your system, you can easily correct this problem with either of the troubleshooting options above as they all offer you a quick, easy and efficient process and result. ShareTweetPin11 Shares How To
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