How to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10 David, August 9, 2024August 9, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest We’ll give you tips on How to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10. You can try the methods below to fix this error. Page Contents1 How to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 101.1 Best Methods to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 101.1.1 Disable All Extensions1.1.2 Disable Hardware Acceleration1.1.3 Reset your Network Configuration1.1.4 Login to your Google Account1.1.5 Clear Browsing History1.1.6 Run Program Compatibility1.1.7 Chrome Cleanup1.1.8 Reinstall Google Chrome1.2 Conclusion How to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10 Chrome is a web browser developed and operating under Google, it is arguably the best and most used web browser for most devices including Android, Windows PC, and Mac devices. With great speed, reliability, interface, and unlimited search resources and options, Google Chrome is used by multitudes, across the world. Using the Chrome web browser on a Windows PC allows users to easily access web pages and several research options swiftly. With its multitasking ability, you can open several windows on your PC and get your work done conveniently. However, Google Chrome may come up with a few issues that may slow down its functionality and make it less efficient. Best Methods to Fix Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10 Have you ever visited the Chrome browser on your Windows 10 PC and remain stuck on the search loading option, it is pretty frustrating right? As it will only waste your time and slow down your work/task progress. Well, this problem comes to the Chrome browser as several other issues affect other software and even hardware. It may be a problem, but it can be tackled evenly if the troubleshooting options are followed accordingly. The Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10 issue may be caused by a few errors including; Hardware acceleration, Google Chrome default folder, Third-party extensions, and maybe an outdated Chrome app. To fix either of/all of these errors above, follow the methods below: Disable All Extensions Extensions may slow the startup progress of your Chrome browser as it may take some time to load, therefore, you should try disabling all extensions after its installation on your browser. To do this: Go to your Google Chrome installation directory, which can be found under program files. It is usually written as C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\ Right-click the option, “chrome.exe” and click on “Properties”. Go to the Shortcut tab. Type in “–disable-extensions” in the dialogue box. Run the browser. Open the Chrome browser again and check if the problem has been solved. Disable Hardware Acceleration Hardware acceleration is used for the efficiency boost of some hardware operations but it could also lead to some issues which could affect the Chrome browser’s load-up. To correct this problem, you can turn off hardware acceleration through the steps below: Open your Chrome browser. Click on Google Chrome’s Menu option, the three vertical lines on the top right corner of the page. Now click on “Settings”. Click on “Show advanced settings”. Select the System option. Navigate to Hardware acceleration and turn it off. Relaunch your browser. Reset your Network Configuration Getting a slow response from Google Chrome could also be caused by issues with your network adapter/connectivity. To fix this: Click on your Windows key and X simultaneously to open the command prompt option. Click on the “Command Prompt” option from the drop-down menu. Type in the command, “netsh winsock reset”. Restart your PC and open Chrome. Login to your Google Account This issue may be fixed if you log on to your Google account. To do that, Open Chrome and launch a new tab. Follow the instructions to log in to your Google account. After a successful login, restart Chrome. Clear Browsing History Clearing your browsing history data on Chrome could also be an efficient/quick fix to Google Chrome Slow on Windows 10. To do this you have to clear your browsing history, caches, cookies and data Open your Chrome browser and click on the menu option, three vertical lines at the top right corner of the page. Click on the option that reads “Settings”. Select “Privacy and Security”. Click on “Clear browsing data”. Move to the Advanced tab and select Time Range and Categories. Proceed to clear all data and reopen the browser. Run Program Compatibility On your Windows device, you can solve issues that occur commonly with the Program Compatibility which will effectively solve issues on an app, when Run Click on the Windows key and type in Troubleshoot in the dialogue box. On the new page in the right pane, click on “Program Compatibility Troubleshooter”. Select the option, Run this troubleshooter. Select “Google Chrome” and click on “Next”. Follow the on-screen instructions. Reopen Chrome after the troubleshooting process. Chrome Cleanup The Google Chrome slow on Windows 10 could also be a result of Malware manifestation and using the Chrome cleanup tool is a very effective way of solving this issue. To clean up your web browser: Open Chrome and click on the Menu option. Go to Settings. Select the “Advanced” option. Click on the option, “Reset and Cleanup”. Now click on the tab “Clean up Computer”. Click on “Find”. A scan will begin to search for harmful software, and wait a while for its completion. If any harmful software is found, click on the “Remove” tab. Reopen your browser. Reinstall Google Chrome If neither of the above troubleshooting options solves the Google Chrome is slow on Windows 10 problem, uninstall Chrome and its install drivers with an app installer on your PC (for a thorough uninstallation process) and reinstall Google Chrome. Conclusion With either of these troubleshooting options, the Google Chrome slow on Windows 10 issue will be efficiently fixed. However, you need to follow the steps accordingly to ensure you have a proper and efficient fix. Reinstalling Google Chrome is however the most efficient to the options, but remember the issue could be with your system’s hardware acceleration or network adapter, and reinstalling the browser will not fix those. ShareTweetPin22 Shares How To Windows
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