Download Eye4 for PC (Windows and Mac) Joey, August 15, 2024August 15, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest This guide will show you How to Download and Install Eye4 for PC Windows, and Mac. Page Contents1 Eye4 App for PC1.1 Features of the Eye4 App1.2 Download Eye4 APK Free1.3 How to Install Eye4 for PC (Windows and Mac)1.3.1 Method 1: Install Eye4 on PC using BlueStacks1.3.2 Method 2: Install Eye4 on PC using LDPlayer1.4 Eye4 Alternatives1.4.1 IP Cam Viewer App1.4.2 Wisenet SmartCam1.4.3 eWeLink App1.5 Conclusion Eye4 App for PC Eye4 is a video system application that is used for monitoring and surveillance. This video system app works flawlessly on PCs that use mobile emulators to run Android apps. With the Eye4 PC App, you can connect your IP Camera, watch, payback, and save surveillance footage. You also get to utilize the cloud server and several other varying platform client software. Features of the Eye4 App Contains improved cloud construction and large storage Dependable and safe Useful over a very wide area of application No superfluous costs Easy to use and manage Real-time video feeds Important functions, motion detection, 2-way audio, etc Use access devices and platforms Download Eye4 APK Free Name Eye4 App Version v5.9.3 Category Tools App Size 96MB Supported Android Version 4.4 and up Last Update April 2023 License Type Free Download File Eye4 APK How to Install Eye4 for PC (Windows and Mac) There are 2 methods to install Eye4 on your PC Windows 7, 8, 10, or Mac. Method 1: Install Eye4 on PC using BlueStacks First of all, You need to Download BlueStacks on your PC (Windows/Mac) from the given link below. Download Now Double-click on the file you downloaded to install BlueStacks Android Emulator on your PC (Windows/Mac). It will launch a setup wizard. Just follow the on-screen instructions and installation will be done in a few minutes. Once it is installed. Click on the BlueStacks icon on your desktop to launch the Emulator. Open the Google Play Store and Type “Eye4” in the search bar. Find the Eye4 app from appeared search results and Click on Install. It will take a few seconds to install Eye4 on your PC (Windows/Mac). After successfully installed click on Eye4 from the BlueStacks home screen to start using it. Method 2: Install Eye4 on PC using LDPlayer First of all, You need to Download LDPlayer on your PC (Windows/Mac) from the link below. Download Now Install LDPlayer Android Emulator on your PC (Windows/Mac). Open LDPlayer Android Emulator. Open the Google Play Store and Type “Eye4” in the search bar. Find the Eye4 app from appeared search results and Click on Install. After installation click on Eye4 from the home screen to start using it. Eye4 Alternatives IP Cam Viewer App This is an Eye4 alternative that lets you see, control, listen, and record feed from your network cameras. With the IP Cam Viewer, you can connect your camera automatically by scanning the camera compatibility. DVRs, NVRs, and webcams can be used with this app. Camera grouping, auto-sequencing, and lots more can be done easily with this app. Wisenet SmartCam This is a surveillance app similar to Eye4 that helps you keep an eye on your children, pets, offices, and homes. This Hanwha Techwin security app can be linked to your smart camera with ease. With the Wisnet SmatCam App, you get to talk to guests, detect movement and noise, and monitor a location remotely among other features. eWeLink App This is a control app like Eye4 that allows you to control your smart home. eWeLink entails features like Timer, Interlock, Sharing, Grouping, Remote control, Inching, Schedule, and so on. With this app, you can control multiple devices like Smart curtains, Wall switches, Smart Light bulbs, Motion sensors, IoT Cameras, etc. Conclusion In conclusion, the Eye4 PC App and its alternatives allow for uninterrupted and effortless surveillance opportunities. ShareTweetPin11 Shares Apps
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