Download Rise of Kingdoms for PC (Windows and Mac) Joey, August 26, 2024August 26, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest This guide will show you How to Download and Install Rise of Kingdoms for PC Windows, and Mac. Page Contents1 Rise of Kingdoms for PC1.1 Features1.2 Macros and How to Use Them1.2.1 Intro Tutorial Skip Macro1.2.2 Automatic Login and Harvesting Resources1.2.3 Automating the Upgrade of Resource Buildings1.2.4 Auto-Attack Barbarians on the World Map1.2.5 Automatically Gather Resources from the World Map1.2.6 Auto Claim 3 Daily Silver Chests1.3 How to Install Rise of Kingdoms on PC using Bluestacks1.4 FAQS1.4.1 Is Rise of Kingdoms Free or Paid?1.4.2 Can I Play Rise of Kingdoms on My PC/Mac?1.4.3 Can I Carry out Smaller Tasks Simultaneously?1.5 Conclusion Rise of Kingdoms for PC Are you a game enthusiast like me? If yes, then “Rise of Kingdoms” is one very interesting strategy game you must check out today. Rise of Kingdoms requires a lot of skills, creativity, and strategy to be able to play this game. Its gameplay is not so difficult but requires patience and consistency to enable you to build your kingdom. Your mission in the game is to develop civilization under your rule and also protect the kingdom from external attacks and enemies. In this game, your sole responsibilities are to train both old and new troops, construct buildings in your city, bring up new technologies through research, and so on. Generally, you have to make sure your kingdom is developed and capable enough to repel enemy attacks and many more. As you play this game, it becomes harder and slower, taking a lot of time before you complete your tasks. But by downloading it on your PC or Mac OS devices using an Android app player, you will be able to execute these tasks in the background such as harvesting food, training troops, gathering resources, and many more. It is the best way to enjoy this game in a fun and flexible manner. Features This game has so many amazing features that allow you to do a lot while playing the game on your computer. BlueStacks on its own also comes with a superb feature known as “Macros” which helps you to automatically carry out tasks within the game such as harvesting resources, training, and more which will be explained below. Battle in Real-Time You can choose to leave a battle at any point in time you wish pull off surprise attacks on cities occupied by enemies or send troops to help out a friend or teammate in need. Unified Game Map This feature allows you to play the game with all players and Non-Player characters integrated on a single large map. This is to keep the battles in one place and not isolated in some other map or location. Over 10 Civilizations to Choose You can select a single civilization from a total of 11, and your goal will be to build and develop it into a strong force or clan. Different civilizations come with their various benefits as well as units and architecture. Exploration Rise of Kingdoms is based on an enormous map hidden under a fog, which means you must explore the areas to show what they have in terms of treasures, resources, and many more. Troop Attacks Troops can be ordered to attack enemy territories, gather resources like lumber from any forest, and take over barbarian clans. You can divide your troops into smaller commands to carry out multiple attacks. Set Alliances and Conquering Kingdoms You can form alliances with other players to help you expand your territories. This will help your takeover of barbarian outposts, and mountain passes, and conquer kingdoms by building your city. Capable Commanders This feature is key when it comes to taking over barbarian territories because you need trustworthy commanders whom you can upgrade to be able to carry out attacks for you effectively. Macros and How to Use Them Macros are the most effective and efficient features that allow you to play and enjoy strategy games like Rise of Kingdoms and King of Avalon in automatic modes. What macros do is to record all the sequences in the game to replicate it for you. For instance, if you record an attack sequence and set it to automatically do that for you, BlueStacks will help you attack enemies when the need arises. Below are some of the ways you can use macros: Intro Tutorial Skip Macro Download this Macro here So, BlueStacks has a multi-instance feature that allows you to play a single game on multiple screens and different scenes. All you have to do is set up a multi-game account using multi-instance and use the macro recorder to get introduction scenes from different civilizations. Below is how to create a macro: Launch Rise of Kingdoms within BlueStacks Once the game is ready, go to the right pane on the BlueStacks screen and click macro recorder to start recording Go through the game introductory tutorial as usual while still recording Ensure there are some seconds in between each tutorial step to show different loading times Stop recording as soon as you finish the tutorial and save the macro for when the next time you want to play it automatically skips Automatic Login and Harvesting Resources Download this Macro here What this macro does is allow you to log in to Rise of Kingdoms automatically when BlueStacks is launched and also to harvest resources from your production sites. Start your macros recording and launch Rise of Kingdoms Once the game is ready and active, carry a harvest of resources from all the production buildings Stop the recording after the harvest, name the macro, and add a shortcut key Tick the “Execute macro when the player starts” checkbox to make sure it runs as soon as BlueStacks is launched Automating the Upgrade of Resource Buildings This macro will let you execute automatic upgrades to all your production units or buildings and to do this the following must be done. Always start the macro recorder first before you launch the game Click the Rise of Kingdoms world map/city button twice, this will reset the camera view Navigate or scroll to your production buildings and try not to move the camera angle to make sure the macro works accurately Locate the upgrade button and click on it to upgrade all the production buildings Once you are done, stop the macro recorder, name it, and assign a shortcut key to it either mouse or keyboard Auto-Attack Barbarians on the World Map Download this Macro here One of the many responsibilities you have is to protect your Kingdom from Barbarians you are constantly trespassing on the world map. This requires you to carry out little attacks almost all the time in your adventures by finding these trespassers and ordering your troops to attack them. To do this automatically, you need perfectly timed macro settings as follows: Launch BlueStacks and Rise of Kingdoms then go to the main city Start the macro recording and go to the world map On the world map, go to search and find barbarians near you that are up to your level Once you have identified them, send out troops to attack these barbarians As soon as your troops start to march, stop the macro recording, name it, and assign a shortcut key. That’s all! Automatically Gather Resources from the World Map Download this Macro here This macro will help you execute some of the little but many tasks you are to carry out while playing this game such as searching for gathering points closest to you and exiting the world map. You can also assign troops or a platoon to gather resources for you. It is best to create macros for specific resources for ease of execution. To do this, follow the steps below: Enter your city and start the macro recording Go to the world map and use the search function to find places where you can gather resources closest to you Once you find these places, you can send your platoon or troops to gather resources there Once your platoon or troop starts to advance, return to the city screen and stop the macro recording. Never forget to name and assign shortcut keys to your macro. Auto Claim 3 Daily Silver Chests Of course, you know every day you play Rise of Kingdoms, you get 3 free chests with different items that are very useful. It is very hard to do this manually so this macro allows BlueStacks to help you collect these chests anytime you launch the game. Set it up using the following steps: Launch the game and start the macro recording Reset the view of your camera by clicking the world map button two times Go to the tavern building on the map and click “recruit” You will see a silver chest in the tavern, click “open” Then click “confirm” once you get your daily reward and go back to the map Stop the macro recorder, name the file, and assign a key that’s all… How to Install Rise of Kingdoms on PC using Bluestacks Although Rise of Kingdoms works only on Android and iOS devices, the restriction does not limit PC or Mac OS users from enjoying this amazing game. It is very possible to download and use this game with an emulator like BlueStacks using the following steps: The first thing to do is Download BlueStacks from the official website for Windows or Mac OS After a successful download, double-click on the setup to install it Then launch BlueStacks and sign in to the Google Play Store using your Google account details or create one if you do not have any After signing in, go to search within Play Store type “Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade” and click install Alternatively, you can download the APK file from a third-party source, then drag and drop it on BlueStacks or double-click to install it After a successful installation, you can launch the game and start creating your macros for the path of fun in real-time FAQS Is Rise of Kingdoms Free or Paid? Rise of Kingdoms is free of charge and can be downloaded without any fees or subscriptions. Can I Play Rise of Kingdoms on My PC/Mac? Yes, you can play this game on your computer even though there is no official version using an Android emulator. Can I Carry out Smaller Tasks Simultaneously? Yes, you can but it is only if you are playing Rise of Kingdoms on your computer using BlueStacks. You can record macros and name it to whatever actions you want to be done. Check the guide for more information. Conclusion For strategy game lovers, Rise of Kingdoms is just amazing, and using it on your Windows or Mac OS devices makes it even more interesting. You can do a lot of things at a click of a button with the many features of the game and that of BlueStacks which allows you to auto-carry out tasks in the game. Follow our social media handles for more updates and endeavor to share. ShareTweetPin11 Shares Apps
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