How to Solve Origin Won’t Open Mac David, August 9, 2024August 9, 2024 “Follow Us on Social Media for a Chance to Win Exclusive Giveaways!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest We’ll give you tips on How to Solve Origin Won’t Open on Mac. We have listed below quick and easy three ways to Fix “Origin Won’t Open”. Page Contents1 How to Solve Origin Won’t Open Mac1.1 Why Won’t Origin Open on Your Mac?1.2 How to Fix Origin Won’t Open on Mac1.2.1 Method 1: Whitelist the Origin app on your antivirus software1.2.2 Method 2: Deploy the First Aid Tool1.2.3 Method 3: Deploy the Origin Reset Tool1.3 Final Thoughts How to Solve Origin Won’t Open Mac Is the Origin app on your Mac computer not opening or shutting down almost immediately? It is most likely not your fault. Many Mac users appear to have this problem. It’s a notorious challenge that disrupts your computer’s operation without a moment’s notice. Why Won’t Origin Open on Your Mac? The failure of the app to open on Mac varies with the computer. Below are some of the reasons why Origin won’t open. The cache files have been corrupted. Antivirus software is preventing the app from opening. Graphics drivers are outdated. How to Fix Origin Won’t Open on Mac Steps to take if the Origin app fails to open on your Mac? There are several tested and trusted ways to resolve the problem of the Origin app failing to open on your Mac, but the effectiveness of the solution will depend on what’s responsible for the error. Here are the solutions you can use to resolve the Origin app not opening: Method 1: Whitelist the Origin app on your antivirus software Due to the nature of the operation of the Origin app, antivirus software tends to stop it from loading. Resolve this situation by including the Origin app among the applications that are not affected by the antivirus software. Once done, restart your Mac computer to confirm the Origin app now works. Method 2: Deploy the First Aid Tool If after whitelisting the Origin app, it still doesn’t open on your Mac, run the First Aid tool. Here are the steps to take to make this possible: Select the Search option on the desktop. Enter ‘Disk Utility’ as the search query. Locate the Internal tab, and select the Mac SSD. From the list visible, select the ‘First Aid’ tool. Then, use the ‘First Aid’ to resolve the ‘‘origin won’t open’’ error. Once it’s finished, select ‘Done’. Method 3: Deploy the Origin Reset Tool In a situation where the previous methods outlined earlier appear to be quite ineffective, especially if the issue is neither an antivirus problem nor a cache issue, the Origin Reset Tool might be your best bet. To utilize the tool, here are the steps to follow: Download the ‘Origin Reset’ Tool using the browser on your Mac. Identify the download location and Open the ‘’ file. With the file opened, Select the ‘Reset Origin’ option. To confirm you’re aware of your actions, you’ll need to provide your user details – ID and password, then click OK. With that done, you will need to download the app once again. Final Thoughts Due to the nature of the Origin app, it’s susceptible to errors like the inability to shut down. Fortunately, it’s not something that can’t be fixed. Most Mac users have found the above solutions to be quite helpful in resolving the ‘Origin won’t open’ problem. Try them, and let us know if you found any of these solutions helpful. ShareTweetPin22 Shares How To Mac
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